Monday, March 1, 2010

Filibusting on Filibusters

Ladies and gentlemen of the house I refuse to let this bill pass, just refuse, and let me tell you exactly why: I love filibusters. If I had my way everyone in the world would just filibust everything from what they want to eat to who should be elected president to just about everything because the best part of democracy is letting an individual stop it because he just doesn't want it to go through probably because he got paid by a large corporation that or his penis is just really small and he's trying to make up for it by talking and talking and talking in front of the Senate. I just love that.

When I was talking about "people" up there clearly I was referencing my hero Jim Bunning who is pretty damn good at talking and talking and talking and helping people out by keeping them OUT of work. I mean let's be real here who wants to go back to work? Obviously Jim Bunning. He loves going to work. Because at work he just gets to talk and talk and talk and realize that he could amount to something in life YOU HEAR THAT MOM!

Filibustering needs to seriously be reconsidered in congress' eyes. Once it was a way for a minority to get a say, but it seems to now only be used for corporate greed to get a say... and that's just wrong.

In conclusion, Jim Bunning is making up for his small dick by continuously talking.

Have we agreed to move on?


Let me continue...

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